I have officially posted 100 blogs!
And the best part is that my 100th blog was about Big Brother...what can be better!
Friday, July 21, 2006
# 101
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
I Can't Believe I Haven't Blogged About This Yet!
The possible All-Stars (only 14 entered the house)
I was reading Beth's blog this morning and couldn't believe myself! The new Big Brother (Big Brother 7 - All Stars) started on July 6th and I haven't even blogged about it yet! Crazy I know, since the only reason I love summer is because of BB. I am a psycho fanatic and I LOVE IT!
I literally cry if I miss it, although that is very infrequent because I am crazy for BB! I have chewed my finger nails down to stumps already and we are only 2 weeks in. Last night I got heartburn and a stomach ache during the HOH competition (for those of you non-watchers...HOH is the Head Of Household competition, which is the power position in the house for that week. The HOH has the power to nominate 2 people for eviction) because BB6 is going to be in hot water if they don't stay on their winning streak. I was so relieved when James won - it was a close one between him and Danielle. After BB, Don and I have lengthy strategy discussions, mapping out what the next move should be or what we predict will happen if said move is made. Big Brother is my kryptonite - watch out Superman!
I am really torn about who I think should win this season.
Who I DON'T want to win: Chicken George (space filler), Diane (cry baby bitch), Mike Boogie (prick) and Will (evil genius).
I wouldn't be upset if the winner was: Jase(I actually like you this season), Erika (floater but not annoying), Danielle (mastermind) , Howie (Jedi master, but an idiot) or Kaysar (he frustrates me with some of his moves, but I still love him).
I would love for the winner to be: Janelle (hottest and smartest chica in BB history), James (awesome stragetist and physical powerhouse) or Marcellas (makes me laugh so hard..."herpes or the clap!").
During BB2 I was a HUGE Dr. Will fan, and now I am just so over him and his annoying shit side-kick Boogie. I HATE Mike Boogie - he is so fucking abnoxious. If he wins, I may have to quit Big Brother forever. Or not!
The only thing that I HATE about every Big Brother season is Julie Chan - just because she's banging the head of CBS doesn't mean that she's good enough to host the best damn reality TV show ever!
I would love to talk strategy (I have so many ideas) with other fans! But not on T/Th/Sun from 7-8pm - I'll be busy watching!
Visit www.cbs.com to keep up to date on new pics and extras!
Or Visit: http://www.cbs.com/primetime/bigbrother7/polls/ to VOTE NOW!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Thursday, July 13, 2006
I found out a few days ago that Mancow is leaving Q101 and his morning show Mancow's Morning Madhouse is going off the air.
I cannot express how excited and happy I am about this. I HATE Mancow with every fiber of my being. He is such a pretencious hypocritical prick and every word that spews from that fuck stick's mouth makes me sick. I hear his voice and I want to shove pencils in my ears! I FUCKING HATE HIM! I haven't had much good news lately, so this just makes my damn week!
Fuck off and die Mancow!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs