Thursday, March 22, 2007
Excuses Excuses!
I am so far behind with blogging, but I have been so frickin' busy! Here are my excuses:
1. I got a new job and I am starting my training on April 2nd. I am so excited about my new position that it doesn't seem real. I couldn't be happier leaving my current employer, however, I am now forced to train my boss on how to do her job before I leave. I have also been very busy shopping for my new job. I have never been a fashion icon or even remotely interested in fashion (except for my sick obsession with America's Next Top Model), but I have found shopping extremely satisfying and entertaining at the same time...weird!
2. Don and I have been doing all the tax-refund home improvements. Since having a kid rocks it hard when it comes to taxes, we use the money we get back to improve our house. Last year we did a major rehab on our living room and dining room area and bought all new furniture. That was a huge huge huge project and we are going significantly more low key this year. We bought new dressers, rugs and lots of small fun stuff. We are going to repaint our bathroom in a few weeks, so that will be fun too!
3. It is officially Spring and my OCD kicks itself into overdrive. With the weather being so gorgeous out, I have the need to clean and organize. I have gotten rid of a total of 5 garbage bags full of clothes, purged basically my whole back porch, and made it into a playroom for Donovan.
4. It's Don's birthday today and he is sick. So much for B-Day sex!
5. We have started potty training with Donovan and I find myself asking if he has to go poop or pee about a million times a day. Instead of actually peeing and pooping in the potty, he likes to put the cushion ring on his head and make silly faces. I find this horribly disgusting, but humorous at the same time!
6. I am getting ready to see Body Worlds at the Science and Industry Museum tomorrow with my girl posse and could not be more excited. I have been waiting for this field trip for over a month now and can't contain my boner any longer.
7. Um, I can't think of any other excuses. I will try to catch up on every body's blog this weekend! Love you guys!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Friday, March 09, 2007
Donovan's Almost Two!
Tomorrow is Donovan's 2nd birthday and I seriously can't believe it. I am in total denial that I have a two year old. This year his party is Cars themed because that is what he thinks about 24/7. He woke up this morning and the first word out of his mouth was, "Caa!" We are keeping his party pretty low key and just having pizza and cake. I can't seem to understand the huge birthday celebrations with all the fancy smancy stuff. I would rather spend more money on his presents than on the balloons and plates. We are again having two parties; one with my family and another with Don's family because of the distance and location thing.
In other news, Don's sister went out and bought herself some boobies, well actually one of her boyfriends bought her boobies and the other one is nursing her back to good sweet of them!
I've missed all of my blogger friends!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
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