Some residents are up in arms over a billboard advertising a local spa and cosmetic surgeon.
One woman said, "I was shocked, I was offended as a woman, angered as a mother and embarrassed as a resident of Glenview." She also said, "It doesn't represent us as people whose beauty emanates from within, I'm a mother, a wife, a member of the PTA, and this is an affront to everything I work for and try to instill in my children."
"I am a fat piece of jealous shit that would look like a beached whale if I were laying on the beach like that. All those Greenpeace people would try to save me! Think of my husband, he should not be shown that kind of attractive female specimen, he may be tempted to touch himself !"
The salon owner will not be bringing down the billboard and said, "You know what? My next billboard is going to be of a 300-pound woman and it will say, 'Could you help me please? Then everyone would be after me saying, 'My son is traumatized because you showed me a fat woman.' You can never win!"
Good for him for standing his ground!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
More Billboard Shit!
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Oh, that ass. Totally do-able!
Beached whale? LMAO!!!
What a simply wonderful billboard. Maybe the most wonderful billboard ever.
I'm so going to whack tonight to that billboard ...
Damn, you said it.
Some women are just cantankarous. I had a bus shelter ad showing a woman in a bikini and it must have been the same woman who phoned to complain that she had to look at it everyday and that it was offensive. I don't know what their problem is. How on earth is an attractive woman offensive? Maybe they are of the ilk who think it's a sacrilege to have to shave their legs and pits too.
what was this blog about? i'm still in shock over that billboard... billboard... must find billboard.
That's crap and winds me up - It just causes people to have hangups about their own body :[
It also may make you crash your car for staring :0)
My beauty emanates from within too.
Great blog!! I will be back often
ummm, I know that typically I am like women should demand better images of themselves blah blah blah.
But I am a little confused, this one is just not that bad. It does build up the hype that with money you can have this great bpdy and that beauty is about havinga great body but isnt that what just about every other ad says?
Are we going to start taking tham all down? I mean inner beauty is a great thing and more young girls should be focused on that but I dont think it is the billboards that are causing the eating disorders of the world?
The only thing I am a little pissed is that the suggestion that the hot chick needs work done does not say a lot for the rest of us!
Hell I would do her brittle toe nails and all.
Ha Ha! Billboards of good looking women get removed over here- because they cause too many crashes! Youre lucky.
It is a do-able ass, that's the whole point of the ad!
It is a good one! She's not even that scantily dressed!
How was your whack last night???
Mega Dan:
I try!
I am sure that woman, and the woman from the bus thing, don't shave anything and probably don't use deoderant either! Nasty!
Try to keep it in your pants!
I think that all marketing is the same, designed to make you want that kind of body, or to be that kind of person, but really we can't put limits on free press and free speech.
Oh, you are beautiful on the outside too!
Mike M:
Thanks for stopping in, I hope to see you more often!
I just didn't find it offensive, and maybe instead of bitching about hot chicks - woman should do something for themselves to make them feel better instead of bitching! Last time I checked, bitching doesn't burn calories!
Really, car crashes??? Are men that deprived in your town???
Damn, I keep using the wrong account for my comments!
Oh, you are beautiful on the outside too
You've made me blush!
Is the spa billboard appropriate?
Yes (2342 responses)
No (1620 responses)
3962 total responses
(Poll results not scientific)
*** This poll is from the Chicago Tribune.
Who knew rats could blush??? Are you one of those albino mofos???
I think that billboard is terrible ... how can they possibly think that showing an attractive woman could possibly bring customers into a business that is supposed to help people look better? Can you sense the sarcasm dripping off of this comment?
I do love me some good sarcasm!
I would be more interested if the woman was naked. Holding a beer. with a large spliff between her tits.
Thank you.
"It doesn't represent us as people whose beauty emanates from within" -- clearly she is having some beauty emanating anything other than bitterness and pointless complaints. Business as usual!
That would be more fun now wouldn't it be!
Fever Dog:
The world is full of bitter ass woman!,1,2221438.story?coll=chi-news-hed&ctrack=1&cset=true
Damn...the billboards coming down!
A billboard (also called a "hoarding" in the UK and many other parts of the world) is a large outdoor advertising structure (a billing board), typically found in high traffic areas such as alongside busy roads. Billboards present large advertisements to passing pedestrians and drivers. Typically showing large, ostensibly witty slogans, and distinctive visuals, billboards are highly visible in the top designated market areas. Bulletins are the largest, most impactful standard-size billboards. Located primarily on major highways, expressways or principal arterials, they command high-density consumer exposure (mostly to vehicular traffic). Bulletins afford greatest visibility due not only to their size, but because they allow creative "customizing" through extensions and embellishments.
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