Warning: The hot little bosom pictured here is only 15 and my sister! Don't land in jail for attempted cradle robbing!
Anyways, my boy is such a ladies man! Don't you old fellas wish you had the spunk and attitude of my 2 year old! He is like THE chick magnet! He rules the broads like no other!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
The Ladies Man!
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Your son is very cute Jenny! Your sister looks like she is very productive Girl Scout. How many boxes of Thin Mints did she sell last year?
Thanks I think so too...I bet our boys together could knock em dead! How did you figure she was the top seller in her troop?
Does she have a MySpace page?
I have always wanted to meet Chris Hansen...
And, oh, I will take two boxes of Tagalongs, five boxes of Do-Si-Do's, and a fresh insulin syringe.
MySpace page....oh boy...yes she does! So not good! I can get you the syringe...but you need to get teh cookies from her!
I think we're all onto the sting operation you're running up in here.
Blog Portland:
And what would that be???
Um... I am a little pissed that your sister is 15 and looks like that. *shaking fist in the air*
How did I get the gangly legs and no curves at 15, and she got THAT?! It was much later that I discovered push up bras...
*choirs sing* haaaaalllleeelluuujah!
It is incredibly unfair...she has an amazing body...my other sister and I got my mothers genes...a bit more ho for your dough!
I had to click away form that pic to avoid getting yelled at ;)
I had to click away form that pic to avoid getting yelled at ;)
Sorry dude! Not trying ot get anyone in trouble!
OK, I can't look ... it just feels so wrong.
LMAO! I love your sayings! hahaha ho for your dough? Splendid. (another british type thing I am taking... hehe)
Sorry, but my son has the cutest face...she just came along with it!
Awe, he is totally cute!
I think that is a ghetto saying!
Thanks, I think so too!
Your son has a look reminiscent of Sean Connery as James Bond, with a smile that says, "Yes Miss Money Penny, I know what you're thinking about."
That is exactly what he reminds me of!
YOU HAVE SUCH A GOOD LOOKING SON!!!!!!!!! I am so clucky...a clucky gay man...know any ladies or dykes that wanna get preggers by a 6'4 Aussie???? I want a baby...ok...ramble over and out!
Now if he looked like the Roger Moore James Bond, there'd be no way in Dante's Inferno I'd even be commenting on your blog. Good thing he takes after his Dad. ;P
Lil Aussie:
I so want another baby! I have been told that we should put these kids on the market they are so cute! You want one..I would have your have your half-aussie child!
No kidding ROger Moore was terrible, embarrasing to the 007!
very cute boy.
and your sis resembles you a lot.
Thank you! I have two sisters and its weird how we look very similar but totally different at the same time!
That picture reminds me...I'm almost out of milk.
Tell sis to call me in three years. I'll be waiting!
You know, passing off your 22 year old sister as 15. It really makes us guys question our judgment.
Atta boy, he has future college stud written all over him.
Chris Hansen is gonna bust a cap in my ass for trying to look down that top! LOL! I swear my eyes were off the moment I read she was only 15!!
Your son does have spunk. Check that little fella out ... do you think he's more like you or Don?
Oh my gosh I love the look on your son's face! he is the cutest!!!
If I had a daughter who was 2, he could be her pimp!! ;) Alas, he'll just have to settle for cruising for chicks with Woobie.
Kisses on his little adorable forehead!!!
He's TOO cute! And I hope your parents are keeping tabs on the baby sis. She does look a lot older. Scary..
your son is a pimp. he's definitely stormtrooper material. as for your lil' sister, djg90ie jmdf0 g9ru0 g9qa-ke aopd g09ua0 349utq-90 4t8q 490tjq]oweutg 04it -09WEU Q3Y8 Q0-34I TY90 dnj ajea vxzi-8 and i'll promise it to be educational.
Oh dear. The perverts will be lurking in force. She's very pretty and your boy is adorable!!
Cute kid and cute sister - in Sweden, 15 is the legal age... but for the record, people (with the ability to pee standing) will ogle anyway. Can't stop them. Trust me, I've tried...
Your boy is gorgeous (my only rather rude advice - child rearing being none of my business - would be to teach him to respect the ladies cos with a mug like that he's going to be drowning in attention when he's older as well) - I'm melting just looking at the little guy and I don;t even want kids..
Your sis looks dirty...sorry ;)
OH MY GOD! He's just divine. Absolutely love it!
aaargh! broody!!
Nice cleavage! :]
I didn't notice any text or anything else for that matter in that post LOL!!!
splendid is ghetto? ;-)
Dude, he is so cool it burns!!!
He obviously got it from him mom!!
Cute kid , cute sis..........
But obviously not a patch on the fanny magnetism (A fanny being a ladies front bottom in the UK)
of The Beast.....and dont you 'all forget it.
*** beats of frenzied crowd with a big stick***
My legendary beauty is a curse
***big sigh***
Milk does the body good!
Blog Portland:
She is really 46, but I thought that might gross all you guys out!
And all I see is bastard children!
My sister digs little green dudes, so go right ahead...look away!
I think that D takes after both of us equally. He does have very good facial expressions and great control over his face muscles, that comes from Don...not me! I can barely wink! He's got my attitude though!
Thank you! I love his experssions...they are priceless!
He will totally be up for cruising for chicks with Woobie! Pimps for life!
Sassy Blondie:
Thanks! She looks a lot older than 15, but considering how skanky she looks, she is really a good kid...keeps safe!
My son's the pimp and my sister's the ho! Pimps up hos down!
Thanks! They both know it too!
Heart of Darkness:
It happens, dicks block brain!
Don't be sorry, she is! That is one of my main goals as a mother of a son...to teach him to be respectful to woman! I ain't raising no wife beaters!
Thanks...I think so too!
I will tell her you think so! She loves attention...shocking isn't it!
Oh, slendid...I was talking about ho for your dough! Ooops!
Mike M:
Thanks! I wish I could be that cool! He has got me beat!
It is tortuous being so beautiful!
Look at that smirk on his face. Wow, he's already learning!
i never thought i'd be jealous of a 2-year-old, but i am...
He truly is a charmer and knows how to work the chicks!
The kids got game!
Thanks for the heads up Jenny. Cute little boy and cute sister too. I will behave myself around her. Now you are a different story.
First off, you are in trouble if this kid keeps his looks throughout his teenage years! Man you are in trouble and as far as your sister is concerned...I would never ever think of robbing the cradle...I'll wait!
Inside of Me:
You naughty boy!
Inside of Me:
You naughty boy!
I don't want to be a grandma anytime soon, but I tell ya, that kid is gonna be a hit with the ladies! I will need to keep a supply of condoms for him to steal!
HOLY CRAP!!! I swear my middle school/high school looks like a mini collge sometimes. I thank the admins for the uniforms EVERYTIME I see KIDS/Children who look like adults! I think she has more cleavage than I do...and I am a 38 DD!!!! PHHHEEEWWWWEEEE
Heart breakers both of them!
Youth is definitely wasted on the young.
Yes, the little dude looks like he's got attitude already! Is he driving now?
That boy is a little Steve McQueen, he's got attitude alright.
OMG just look at the wicked and utterly cool "come-here" look he's giving!
Toddlers, be aware.
i see good genes run in the family jenny!
I'm not old yet!
Still the right side of thirty!
This two yr old is going places no toddler has ever been!
I wanna grab him and give him a severe case of the cuddles!!
It's that look he's giving that attracts the lady folk, isn't it?
You got to love the attitude he gives on the picture; excellent. Your sister looks very much like you, heck I thought it was you with your hair up. Beautiful girl.
Fricking adorable. (Your sister too.)
If I said I was 16, would you believe me? =)
OMAHGOSH he's sooo cute! And ur sis too :)
Jenny, if only it was big enough - no, God's a woman: she gave the man enough blood to run his head or his dick, not not both at the same time. I bet She's up there, in between clouds, laughing her ass of... LOL
Girl, you are stacked!
Right, why do we lose that cuteness?
Thankfully no, but soon...
Just like you!
You are so sweet! Those toddlers are in for some trouble!
That isn't old at all!
This two year old will kick your little green butt! The force is strong with him!
Michael C:
It is...you should give it a try!
Le Cremiere:
Thanks! She is rather pretty! It's all about attitude!
Bloggess Jenny:
Thank you!
Of course I would belive you...I am a sucker for 16 year olds!
It's hard having a son that is so cute and charming...it's hard to be mad at him!
Heart of Darkness:
That is cruel! But must be wildly entertaining to watch from above!
I didn't even notice the bosom until you pointed it out...
Fever Dog:
What a gentleman!
Until you pointed it out... Now I keep coming back to have another look ;)
You and your sister are both beautiful. I saw the photos of you and your son making faces and I started to make a comment about the hot girl. Then I realized it was you.
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