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What the fuck is wrong with people who feel it necessary to take dumps anywhere other than in a toilet. I guess there are the occasional "calls of nature" that force you to go wherever you are, however; taking a huge shit from the top of the stairs in the subway is not a good option. First of all, its a subway with no ventilation. It's hotter than hades down there and it's more humid than the rain forest. The air already smells like a fucking disgusting bum infested piss hole...adding a huge pile of steaming shit....DOES NOT HELP! Whoever you are that left that pile of shit in the subway, I hate you...and I want you to die a horrible, miserable death...slow with lots of suffering! And to the CTA employees that find it hilarious to stand around the pile of dung laughing and then walking away without cleaning it up and leaving it there for two days....I hate you...and I want to smear your lazy ass ugly fucking faces in that feces and make you eat it...then you won't think it's that funny! I sent an email complaint to the Chicago Public Health Department today, but I doubt anything will come of it. The subway is already a festering cesse pool of filth, why would this pile of shit change anything! Fuckers!
This is something I have NEVER seen.
Does it only happen in Chicago?
Pissing in the street, yes.
Vomit in the street, plenty.
Dog Shit, yes.
You sure it's human?
In college this meat head football player took a crap on the carpet in his room as a result of being stupendously drunk.
When the douche cleaned it up, he scooped up the poop and put it in the bathroom sink.
WTF, why wouldn't you put it in the toilet retard...
You found my shit! Thank goodness, I've been looking all over for it! Would you be a dear and stick that in an envelope and FedEx it to me? I'll pay you back.
my shit smells like mint leaves, so i don't think this applies to me
I remember reading a few years back about a guy that got mad at the stewardess on a flight and got up, and took a crap right there on her serving cart. I think the airline charges extra to deficate other than the designated areas; probably same cost as those mini booze bottles.
Sounds like 3rd world country type stuff. Gross!
Must have been some ass hole that dumped it there.
nice to see you ranting again sweetheart
that is Naaaaaaaastie nastie nastie.
I once went to get the morning paper and milk at my local shops and what do I find at the front of the store? A human turd.
People are rank.
Once again, I am so glad we don't commute together! How in the world do you manage to find this crap? Pun intended (albeit lame).
Driving two hours per day seems so much better when compared to your adventures.
Join us and you will never shit again.
It's a trick we do. It's easy
the mighty dyckerson shits everywhere. that's his calling card. why would you be upset? once when i was a little boy i took a BIG crap outside beside the house. Later, my mom showed it to me and I told her a neighborhood dog did it. Crapping outdoors is great.
That's downright nasty, good call on sending that.
People are just fucking nasty in general. Fuckers can't even shit or piss in a toilet properly. Animals this human race is!
Aw dammit, I need to look at these sooner. I read your rant, come up with a good response, then notice Dyck already took it. Dick. Then I come up with another and George took that one! Damn! I got nuthin'.
This is why I'm glad I live out in the country!
I second the question, Could you TELL it was human poo?
OMG! That is so gross!
I was once in a London station when I caught a whiff of something nasty as I went down to the platform. It smelt of dog-shit at first but when I got to it on the stairs it was obviously human.
It's the damned hobbits, I tell you.
i worked wendy's and one time someone took a shit in the guys bathroom and it was everyfuckingwhere.
you name it, it had shit on it.
walls, ceilings, sink, floors
everywhere but the toilet.
glad i never had to clean it.
The homeless shit all over the subway tunnels in Philly. It's disgusting.
How disgusting can people get????!!!!!!
WTF? Man that is just wrong.
I've had people cack on my trains before. Sub-human behaviour. Your experiences seem to be one encounter with the seamier side of life after another.
Are you sure it's not your karma, Jenny ?
I wish you were fucken kidding. Gross.
People disgust me! And stand around laughing about it and not clean it up? They're just as guilty really, I hope the health department comes down on their ass bigtime.
Steaming pile of shit! Now that'll wake ya up faster than a shot of Starbucks espresso :-p
Ok how do people shit in a subway at the top of the stairs withOUT getting busted ffs? AND why wouldn't someone say.. "dude.. the bathroom is right there!" GROSS
Eww. Just Ewww...
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