I have to apologize to all you dudes that had to look at that hot man ass for so long! So to make it up to you...here are pictures of vagina's! I have been told that Georgia O'Keefe was not actually modeling her flower paintings after vagina's...but I think she was a carpet licking addict! You have to be crazy to not see the vagina resemblance!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
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Finally a new post and I am first!
Her husband did live in New York and she lived in the Southwest, so you never know.
Glad to see you are still alive!
From one extreme to another, huh girl?! lol
That last vagina looks kinda pale. I'm guessing she's an albino.
She was a fabulous artist ... but I have never seen pussy in the flowers ... I'll have to look again
that is a well groomed vagina....no bush in sight!
Thank God...now I can actually read your blog at work again without fear...
I don't care so much for carpet any more ... guess I'm a brazilian lover now ;-)
Ah, much better; thank you. :) Nice art work to say the least.
Is that an aphid or a crab on that flower?
Now I can have a sexy screen saver at work that others can't complain about.
Jenny! Yeah, you are back!
The probability O'Keefe’s subconscious sublimation of the lower part of the female reproductive tract into flowers is high. However, I for one prefer the real article, in the flesh, rather than a flowery depiction.
Ah, that's better - I supposr you're forgiven, although a real 'one' would have been better, as it was a real ass after all!
:-P Maybe you are... hmmm
quit that new job! it is taking you away from blogging...
Get your priorities straight!! ;-D
Now this is a post in can "get into"!!
I didn't see anything wrong with the hot man ass personally ;)
That is some kickass artwork though..
Oh c'mon, you think that's a fair trade? lol
Hi Jenny! Dropping by to prove that I haven't forgotten about you.
What an ass It made me forget my purpose for about 3 minutes and 400 seconds. sigh.... Looks like things are as usual with you (vaginas and asses).
So which one is yours?
I luff her paintings. I used to be obsessed with her in college. (No I'm straight.)
Thanks for the new view - that man butt was getting to me too! ;p
One brief glance at the man ass was enough for me. Stop with the ghey pics. The vaginas are beautiful.
Well, flowers basically ARE vaginas, aren't they? If I'm remembering biology class right, anyway.
So its tits next is it?
I prefer the guy's cute bum!
Rumor was she was getting it on with her "assistant" that lived with her out in the Southwest. He was like 30 yrs younger...
Her flowers are the only interesting stuff she's done. I hate cow skeletons and southwest shit like that. Of course, I can't say I like the fact that she turned those flowers into vajajays either...
They don't look anything like vaginas. I'd recommend some cream if I knew a woman with a giz like that.
I thik it's funny how one can see anything in a picture - funny how this definitely does look like vaginas though...
well I'm all hot and bothered, so they must look like vaginas.
You are something else girl!!!! LOL
Symbolism, Symbolism, Symbolism! I love it! Thanks for rectifying the situation.
Oh please?!?!? YOu mean to tell me we went from guy gay porn to lezbo gay porn??!?!!?! LOL ;o)
OH an who didn't know that she is a carpet muncher??!?!?!?
I love them all! I would love it if you all would come to my site and vote?!?!?!?!
Yeah, my vagina is the third one. I sat for ages to have that done.
Super: I thought that last one looked familiar!
Excellent - what about some dicks??
I for one had absolutely no problem with the Halloween post!
Oh i think they're beautiful !
Had you thought of posting a shot of your actual pussy? Just wondered...
what's a vagina?
Jenny?? Where are you?? Come back! :)
They look very fresh...the flowers I mean...
Did you swallow your douche bag again??
Hey! You haven't blogged in a while! Hope you are well!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Long time, no hear, Jenny!
Which way did you plead? I hope you got 28 days...
How come my flower doesn't look as purdy as these ones?
OK - now I am worried ... are you OK sweety? Do let us know if you are just too busy...
estimating softwaredata cabling engineer
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