Here are my tattoos starting with my most recent.This is my 3rd tattoo...the Pisces sign for Donovan. I am planning on having all of my children's astrological signs tattooed in a ring around my ankle. Don drew this out for me so it has his touch as well. Please no comments about the hideous wallpaper and ugly couch patter...its the dogs room so it has yet to get a makeover!
My 2nd was the Leo sign...for me! I actually drew this one out...tough I know, but I wanted it a specific way.
This was my 1st tattoo....If you don't know what it is...I am not going to explain it to you. It is really faded, which I just noticed...I forget half the time that I even have this one! I got this when I was 16 and I still totally love it for so many different reasons. It's meaning to me it is not really the traditional definition of what it stands for.
They are all fairly small, because I am to chicken shit conservative to get a huge tattoo, although I would love one! I plan on putting Don's Aries sign on the back of my heel sometime soon!
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
My Ink!
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I love them and totally want one. I got Josue to agreeto get onewith me, I may need more moral support than that though.
Very cool. As of now...I'm tattoo-less
Those are some kick-ass tatoos.
I am SO jealous right now!
They look awesome! I have two myself and I still like both of them very much.
I change my tastes far too frequently to ever get a tatoo
Doesn't it hurt when you get a tattoo? I'm chicken shit going through any voluntary procedure which may cause pain!
Those tats are great and most of all they are tasteful!
Like you, I've got three and have been toying with the idea of a fourth!
I want to come...I will get one too! We could do a tattoo double date...Don and Josue can match too!
Michael C:
I love them, they are addicting. If I wasn't a tight ass conservative, I would have been covered by now!
Heart of Darkness:
You too can get a tattoo!
Can we see pictures of yours????
If you can't decide and aren't in love with it...better not to get one!
My dad calls them tramp stamps!
They hurt, but it's like a good pain...hard to explain really. The one that hurt the most was the second one (Leo sign) because of my tendon in my ankle, actually passed out a bit! It's an addicting pain too...I sometimes crave that sting!
Cherry Ride:
I would love to see them! Where did you get yours done (your from Chicago right??)
I am just like Yoda...I wouldn't mind having a tatoo at all, but no pain for me, thanks! ;) (I haven't even been able to get my ears pierced more than once since it was so painful the first time.)I absolutely love how you drew your Leo sign! It's awesome!
Some people can't tolerate pain as well. I don't even feel earpiercing...I have my cartiledge pierced twice, had my belly button pierced around the same time of my 1st tattoo...i like tattoo pain!
I've got a picture of the Flying Scot and 6 coaches (an iconic steam train) on my todger. Great fun for the girls when I whistle like a train as it goes in.
Do the ladies like to ride your choo-choo???
Sweet-ass tat.
Bugs Butt:
I'll post them one of these days. Maybe somebody should host an ink show on their blog. Hmm...
If you don't know what it is...I am not going to explain it to you
So, then, if I DO know what it is, then you WILL explain it to me?
OK, I DO know what it is ... so now explain it to me. :)
That first picture looks brand new, with redness and swelling around the edges! Like the color, too! Anything mono-chrome just bores me.
(One time I put my ankle on my scanner to make a picture of mine, but I don't have that shot any more.)
The picture was taken the next day. Would love to see yours...I love seeing what different tattoos people have.
I want to get one but DW says no. :( I want to know what that last one means but more importantly, where is it. :)
Cool tats.
Great idea...if ya'll send me pics of your tats...I will post them! Please tell me you have a big arrow tattoo???
That meaning of that sign is a bit more "hardcore" than I am, I love the look of the sign and it represented for me at the time, a way ot break free from being a follower and being a bit more independant. Deep down I am a total rebel, but my conservative brain keeps me very much part of the sheep is like my internal battle with "fuck this" and "majority rules". That sounds a bit weird when I write it, but do you kind of get it...there's more specifics, but I would like ot keep that personal!
Gardener Greg:
The last one is the anarchy sign...i explained a bit in my comment back to Dan.
It is on my lower back.
Thank you!
I was going to have the Birminghasm City FC badge on my arm, but my then girlfriend wouldn't let me...
Crushed by Ingsoc:
Fuck the girlfriend! Just kidding!
Never get a tattoo on your tit Jenny. Very silly place for a chick to get a tatt due to the shrinkage and expansion factor.
I have a cutie kitty on me left tit - i've had it for 25 years now. Two weeks of the month it looks like a scrawny alley cat and 2 weeks like a large fat well fed cat.
I am currently having it lazered off. That is the most painful thing i have ever done in my life. That one minute of lazer gun is like having the devil poke a large soldering iron up my arse for 3 hours straight...
Love your tattoos. I always wanted one but was too chickenlivered. However I got brave just before my 45th birthday and had an orchid done on my shoulder. I took a couple of painkillers beforehand so it didn't hurt too much!
Thanks for stopping by my place. Are you in The Experiment?
Tats rock. I've got 4. Later!
Tat on Tit...major no no...sorry that the devil with his pokers spends so much time in your arse!
Good for you! Pain killers are sweet! Ha ha! I am not in The Experiment.
Thanks for stopping by!
Where is the first (but last pictured) situated? They're all very well-drawn and cool looking. I sometimes consider getting the Aquarius symbol on the back of my shoulder, but I'm sacred of commitment ;)
Fever Dog:
It is on the middle of my lower back. You should go for it! It's not like your sign will ever change! If whips and chains excite you...this will put you over the edge!
We have matching tattoos in different places.
Really! That is quite fun! My guess is that its the Pisces and it's on your ass???
Very cool! I love that they're hand drawn by you guys!
I've got 7 right now & will be getting another one in 2 weeks! I love ink.
Don't have one yet but am considering very seriously. I want to put it on the outside of my left calf ... a colourful dragon protecting the birth flowers of my children.
I saw a woman at a bar the other night with butterflies on her shoulder and they were the most beautiful tattoos. Now I totally want one again. There will be no rush to action, though. I could never think of anything I would want to commit to for a lifetime.
They're very cute but personal too...well done that girl...very nice...I am in the other camp though tat's should shine, make em big! I have a gargoyle on my back, a mayan flower on my thigh and a Ghanaian symbol on the back of my neck. The first two I did some of the design for, which I'm so pleased about cos they're mine, I'll always love them. But they all hurt like fuck though!
Where's the anarchy tat? I couldn't tell :)
Awesome! Would love to see pictures!
I love it...that sounds really special!
I see some really cool beautiful artistic tattoos and it makes me want to cover my whole body, but I never will! Kind of sad! You should wait until you have your heart absolutlely set on what you want!
Those sound really awesome! I would also, love to see pictures. I love body art and appreciate the individualistic creativitiy in tattoos.
Mm, its the whole point hun, if you're gonna fuck your body up you might as well make it look pretty and put your soul into it.... ;)
I may not think that in 30 yrs time but what the hell.
Tru dat!
Actually you drew your second to show me the specifics of how you wanted it done. I then drew the finished product. While you were getting it done you passed out. That could be the reason why it slipped your mind ;)
Right right right! I remember now!
I have two and want MORE!
Post pictures!!! They are so addicting!
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