The first incident with the blind lady was a week or so ago. She can hear the train approaching and she starts wiping her stick around hitting three people in the shins (including me), a garbage can, an abandoned pop bottle and a pole. Now, she can hear that the train is still coming...not fully stopped, so why she is thrashing her stick around at this particular moment is beyond me. I just moved back a foot so that I wouldn't take another hit to the shin. When the train stopped and opened it's doors, she put her stick at her side and started screaming, "Where's the door?" A man was nice enough to direct her to the door and help her to a seat, all the while she was yelling, "I need a seat!" Good! So do I! I wanted to ask her what she was doing wiping her stick around before the train stopped and then not using it when she was attempting to board the train. I didn't ask...that would have been rude!

The second incident was a day or two later. I get to my waiting spot and see her coming towards me...with her stick out...thrashing violently at shin level. I asked if she needed help, since she was not using her stick correctly and was about 8 inches from the drop into the lowered rails. She replied, "What do you think...I'm blind!" Um, okay...I will let that slide...I would be bitter and angry too if I was blind. I told her to "Stop, you are close to the edge...take about 4 steps to your right and you'll be good." She followed my instructions and didn't bother to thank me. Then the train approaches and same wiping stick action. When the doors opened, I told her, "go straight about 5 steps and you will be at the doors." Again, no thank you...but I don't mind, I was being selfless and doing my part as a nice human!
I have seen her about every morning since then and I have kind of stayed away...letting others take their turn helping out. I was also tired of being wiped in the shins every time she was around.
Third incident happened this morning. I was at my regular post and she was heading straight at me with her stick. I said, "Excuse me, you are going to hit people with that, you are in a good place to stand and wait, the doors will open right in front of you." No response...at this point I am thinking her hearing has also failed her. The train approaches and she starts yelling, "I need help...hello, I'm blind! Can someone help me on the train?" I walk over to her and tell her, "I'll help you on...put your stick down." The train doors open and I say "let's go straight ahead" while I place my hand on her elbow to help guide her which causes her to freak out and start thrashing around while yelling, "Don't touch me, I can do it myself...I'm not dumb, I'm blind!" I let her go and wanted to give her a bit of a push while telling her that, "I hope you get run over by a bus!" The other passengers looked at me, looked at her and then back at me. I was waiting for someone to verbally harass me for being mean to the disabled...but no...they heard the whole thing play out and asked if I was okay!
My first thought was that maybe she was insane, like schizo or something...but she seems completely sound of mind, just very angry about being blind. I totally get being angry...but I was trying to help. I am done with helping this woman and it will take a great deal of restraint to keep myself from pushing her fucking ass in front of the oncoming train! 

On another note...
I hope all you Yanks have a great 4th of July...don't blow off any firecrackers in your hands, I would like you all to be able to leave comments for me on Thursday! To everyone not in the USA...have a happy Wednesday...don't blow yourself too much, I would like you to be able leave me comments on Thursday too!

WTF? You are a good Samaritan either way, Jenny. She's lucky she hasn't been mugged yet...or pushed in front of the trains.
Happy 4th!
It was good of you to help her like you did. A lot of people would have not cared to help. Look at the bright side: at least it made for an entertaining post!
Sadly, I worked for the hearing impaired and never received "thank you" either. Sometimes, we do things for people who need help and they aren't grateful, and yeah, it sucks. Nonetheless, you were awesome in helping her given that she was mean to you, and even if she never appreciates it, there are the rest of us who look up to you as someone who is awesome.
Nonetheless, happy 4th!
We all know that just because she's an asshole does not give us the excuse to throw blind mama in front of the train, but we all also know that being blind is no excuse for being an asshole to someone who is kind enough to help out.
Your restraint is admirable.
Happy 4th to you too!
It was nice of you to help her with the train. It almost sounds like she is new at this blind thing... or maybe you are just getting pranked by someone from MTV or something. boiling points maybe? haha! Pushing her in front of the train would probably cause you to lose the $100. but worth it to shove one of those MTV punks in front of a train. one down, 50000000 to go!
Sassy Blondie:
There were a few homeless guys hanging around her a few days ago...maybe that's why she doesn't like to be helped.
The Cherry Ride:
Tru dat! I do try to be helpful on occasion! A lot of assholes just stand by...now I know why!
Thanks! So sweet you are! I was raised to say please and thank you...so I am always caught off guard a bit by people who don't mind their P's and Q's!
I loved that movie Throw Mama From Teh Train...that is what I was thinking! You have no idea how much restraint I posses!
If this was a prank from MTV...that would be totally cool! I thought the same thing about her being new to the blind thing!
As a general rule I have huge sympathy for anyone with a disability and 99% of them are unbelievably brave people. Having said that I know a few people who work for a disabled organisation and they say while the vast majority of the customers are great some of them just think the whole world owes them. From what you have said this is one of them.
Why don't you get a stick and some shades and play her at her own game. See how she likes her shins being whacked. (Is this cruel?)
That is not cruel...in fact I love that idea!
I bet you were a Girl Scout once woman!
I forgot to add that for some reason a lot of people feel sorry for the handicapped. I don't. Those lousy bastards get all the best parking spaces.
Oh, Hell no! I wouldn't have been allowed in!
And they never use them!!!
At least you don't have to worry that she'll read your murderous plot towards her.
See; you're a nice person really. You help the crazy, angry blind lady and don't actually push her in front of the train. They probably won't give her a seeing eye dog as it would just bite her.
I think what this post reminds us is that you can be blind or otherwise disabled, and still be a complete twat.
Being blind does not give her enough reason to be this bitchy! If she continues to push everyone away, I'm sure she'll end up all alone. Which is probably the case since she's used to no one helping her out, that's why she shouts for help.
Kudos to you for trying to help!
BTW, did you make it to Taste of Chicago this year?
Blog Portand:
Good thing...she may try to beat me to it!
Fever Dog:
Being a twat crosses all races, situations and boundaries! And yes, I am a good person!
I despise The Taste of Chicago!
So...you want the blind lady to DRIVE to work??
I always wondered what foreigners did on 4th of July, and I am happy that they can blow themselves.
If you're French and you blow yourself, that would be one great blowjob!!
If only us Americans could blow like that!
That bitch ain't blind. She just likes to hit people in the shins. Plus, she gets preferred seating on the train.
Next time you see her, throw a knife at her. If she ducks, you know she's faking - game over. If she doesn't duck...well, you win that way too!
Make sure no one sees you.
You were provoked.
Lots of people with a physical impairment feel sorry for themselves and are angry at the world for their misfortune. Like lots of shorter men have a chip on their shoulder about their height.
You did good Jenny.
Congrats on winning the t-shirt. I never win anything either.
When it comes to helping people I am Mr. Good Samaritan but the moment I get shit from them I will push them dowm the fucking stairs. I understand being angry but when someone is trying to help dont be a shit about it.
Amazing! I always thought please and thank you were in order--blind or NOT. Manners Matter! I don't care who ya are.
oh and maybe you should invest in some shin guards!;)
Great idea! I will try that!
Crushed by Ingsoc:
I am a ninja...no one will see!!
Small dick syndrome too!
Thanks! Your day will come!
How many people have you pushed???
Yeah that's what I thought too...it's amazing how many people have no common decency!
Great story Jenny!! I would have pushed her in front of the train on the first encounter, but that's just me
You are totally a good samaritan.
I would have just kept pushing her around and when she yelled at me I'd just scream "I CAN'T HEAR YOU CAUSE I'M DEAF AND IT'S MADE ME BITCHY. YOU TOO?"
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