Donovan and I started our swim class's called the Shrimp fun! When we entered the pool Donovan seemed a bit nervous, but warmed up quickly to the water. We had a very successful day that was not marred by any crying or fusing. Donovan was having more fun watching the toddler group splash around with their floaties then he was with the Shrimp group singing songs. We sung lots of fun songs; Humpty Dumpty, The Wheels On The Bus, The Hokey Pokey and the song about marching troops up and down a hill (can't remember the name). We also got to play with a fun little toy and chase it around the pool. We did a lot of walking in circles and that was fun too!
Now, I know that Donovan is the cutest baby in the world, but I just didn't realize how much cuter he is then every other baby. There was a baby there that weighed 29 pounds and was 6 months old. You couldn't tell that he had a neck because his huge head rolled over into his large back. He was the fattest little thing I have ever seen. His mother was also a little unusual, not physically, but mentally. She was talking to me and she said, "I can't believe how big my son looks compared to everyone else's baby. I thought for sure that he would be the smallest one here today." I replied, "Are you joking?!?" She was like, "What?" I was done with our conversation, and hopped away while saying, "Nice to meet you!" Hopefully I am not the bitchy unsociable mom in the class...but there seems to be some others that are much more bitchy than me. There were a few other nice moms that I got to talk to, their babies were mediocre. Maybe Donovan and I can make some friends and have play dates...I'm not sure that will happen...the yuppie moms probably won't like my parenting style or the fact that we don't live in Oak Park.
The instructor is nice...he was kind of like a big teddy bear sort of guy...not gay by the way. Good news is that the stupid secretaries at the front desk were wrong and daddy can come too! Donovan will have alot of fun with both mommy and daddy there.
The locker rooms were kind of nasty...Especially because old women take nude showers. I covered Donovan's eyes when we walked by and the lady glared at me, but hey...I don't want him exposed to that king of gore.
All in all, we had a wonderful time in swimming class, and can't wait to do it again next week. Splish Splash!
Friday, October 28, 2005
Splish-Splash, I Had A Blast
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I'm glad that the two of you had so much fun. I wish that Don could have gone with the first time to take pictures! I heard rumors that the Y is going to be moving to Forest convenient!
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