I got to see Batman!!! Or, maybe it was just his stunt double - who knows! Filming of the new Batman movie has begun and one of the locations they chose just happened to be right outside my office building. They are filming on the Wabash bridge over the Chicago River and had helicopters flying between the was pretty bad ass! I told myself that I was not going to be one of the freaks that stands on the sidelines and, virtually nothing! But, I did. At least I wasn't taking pictures with my phone of the helicopter! People are like nut jobs when there's a possibility of famous people around. Girls were fixing their hair, applying lipstick and schmoozing with the security, hello...wake up...Christian Bale is not going to fuck your fugly ass. The GCPD - aka - Gotham City Police Department for you slow kids...crew was hot! One asked me for a cigarette...very exciting! I wanted to get my camera phone out then, but that would have been embarrassing!

A few of you have been receiving numerous obscene comments from me...but it's not's some fucktard posing as me, using my picture and name. Just an FYI! Sorry for the trouble!
I was the one hitting on the water boy. "That Aqua looked sooo good! Pour a little on me... he he he!"
(If you can't tell the last 'he' was very high pitched and flirty.)
I have high standards...
Christian Bale's not good enough for me.
Christian Bale doesn't do it for me either...apparantly he does it for some girls! The water boy was trying to keep that boner in his pants...not much luck!
You should have mooned the helicopters flying by. :)
Try racist slogans, allusions bestiality, support for Al queda, that sort of thing.
Something's got to work.
There is an exciting allure in a film set; it's pointless to try to deny it.
And yet the reality of making movies can be very boring (they tell me, and from the few times I have seen it, it is.)
Anyway, it sounds like they are going all out--Chicago would give a unique "look" and I am sure it is tempting to cross over to Toronto and get a better exhange rate or whatever...
Sometimes the city or the state gives them a sort of rebate on all that they spend, so maybe that's what is going on here.
I take offense to that first picture.
I am a huge Batman geek, and have been trying to track down the sets! Thanks muchly for the tip! I will have to circle it before and after work tomorrow...wanna meet me?? :)
Very cool!! I love batman. He's so much more cooler than Spiderman. The movies are much more dark ... instead of the boobylicious spidey crap!
If you do get to see the caped-shadow himself, do let us know!
Hey Jenny~*
I know the feeling I even changed my icon now.. lol I felt weird seeing comments from me that aren't me.Oh well.. peeps are weird. Christian Bale is ok.. but I would much rather have Brendan Frasier or Ryan Reynolds.. yummm
I should have! I wonder if my co-workers would have enjoyed that!!!
Crushed by Ingsoc:
Racist slogans alwasy work! Good ideas!
I like that movies are being filmed in real places...instead of makeshiftcheap studios!
Blog Portland:
Why...because it's Robin and not you making out with Batman???
Lil Aussie:
That could be fun...unfortunately...they were only filming on teh Wabash bridge today! Sorry...If I see him I will take pictures for matter how embarrasing that is for me!
I for sure will let ya'll know! I like the Batman movies much better than Spiderman too!
Ryan Reynolds...oh, fuck yes! It is weird seeing my face everywhere and not being the one ot put it there! I like your new icon...very hot!
that's fkt up about the forgery stuff. i always knew the dynamic duo were morelike the flame-namic duo.... i mean who calls themselves 'robin'... so gay!!
Seems you have an impostor Ms J!! its OK I will always sleep with you any way...
You're obscene all the time. I probably couldn't tell the difference. Woman!
I heard that between takes, Christian Bale likes to hang upside down from the ceiling of his trailer. Can you confirm?
Very cool..if you can make out any plot points, send them along ;-)
Does GBD mean Gay Police Department?
u lucky thing! I LOVE BATMAN. Also cos he's in mask ;-) U'd know why I said that when u read my current post hehe.
An asshole using ur ID ha? They did the same to me some time ago. Hit the mental IGNORE button!
I can't imagine why you got an NC17 with words like "fucktard."
Hey, where'd you find that picture of Batman and Robin making out? They're not gay, damn it! Well, if they were, Robin's totally a bottom. That's all I'm saying.
That is so fucking cool to have a movie filmed in your city!!!
Bale is okay, but I liked his actual portrayal of his character more than him.
That Poser-Jenny is just trying to get you an X rating...
Let's bitch slap her anyway.
I saw Christian Bale at a Starbucks in LA off of Olympic Blvd. He stood in front of me talking on his cell phone, so I was taking in his sweet ass. It was a few minutes before I realized that he had finished talking and turned around. I said, "You're Batman," to which he replied, "Yes, but I still saw you staring at my ass." Ah I miss LA sometimes..
I had a girl with green hair and a horny rabbit outside of my office... not at the same time, though...
Does that count as equal to seeing Batman?
I love how the fugly girls think if they flirt with a security guard they will get to Christian Bale -- cos that really happens!
Cool beans man....I however, would be excited with the prospect of Christian Bale somewhere nearby...mmm....He does it for me, must be the Welsh thing and the rubber....
But the Batmobile/Batbike outside your office? Wow!
I'm a big fan of Burton's Batman and think Chris Nolan is a genius - Batman Begins was excellent, looking forward to The Dark Knight lots (minus Mrs Cruise, yey!).
Is it wrong that I find your cartoon pic of Batman and Robin oddly appealing...?
OOh you're the second person who is having identity trouble. waaaaah. Dont like it! Cant people just stay as who they are without wanting to steal someone elses personality?! sheesh.
erm..i quite like christian bale. its the mouth. but i like the weird ones.
I once had a moment with Tom Selleck. Except that I didn't actually see him but my husband said he seemed quite concerned but the loud noises of me throwing up.
True story.
PS. So you're saying the girl I agreed to have a menage-a-trois wasn't you?
I would have been taking pictures on my mobile phone!!
I like Christian Bale, as Batman, much better than any of the previous freaks that played Batman.
George Clooney is pretty cool as long as he's not playing Bruce Wayne or Batman.
I never get to meet anyone famous. I just don't seem to be in the right place at the right time. There are so many hotginas out there though I doubt if I could pick one, Like I would get to pick, :)
Ooooooooooooh that is soooo cool! But ppl get so crazy when it comes to stares and movies. Fun for like the first 5 minutes then you just wanna scream: GET A LIFE!
hahaha the first cartoon just cracked me up! Didn't know if I should go all euwwwww or laugh. So I did a lil' of both ;)
Dude, so funny ass pictures. Great post!
I had a feeling about the dynamic duo!
That picture of Robin and Batman - kinda gross.
It sucks when someone steals your blog identity - it's happened to me and it was really shitty.
If you had mooned the helicopter, and it crashed, I think it would prove the slogan, "crack kills" to be true. :P
Flame-namic duo....that is great! Did you come up with that all on your own! Brillian!
Thanks...but how would you be able to tell us apart??? What if my imposter decides to do bad things to you???
Dan Mega:
I was actually kind of laughing about most of the comments that "I" left...they were obscene, but not unlike things I would say anyway!
Mighty Dykerson:
When I snuck in his trailer I was more concerned about sniffing his undies to notice if he was hanging on the ceiling!
Michael C:
All I know is that there is a dude, dressed like a dominatrix bat...and then there are like police and like something to do wiht the bridge and water!!! NO Clue man!
Those GPD...were totally not gay...they were hot!
Masks huh??? Do you like capes too??? Superman will be jealous since he doesn't have a supercool mask!!!
Dr. Noisewater:
I was in love with Chris O'Donnell when he played Robin! And, yes...they are totally queer for each other! What do you think sidekick means fuck me when we're done!
I love a good bitch slapping! I like Christian Bale as Batman, but not so much as a regular dude!
Sassy Blondie:
Did you get to touch his ass? That is so fun!
Heart of Darkness:
Totally was not that exciting seeing Batman!
I am pretty sure that those security guards haven't even meet Christian Bale since they pitched tents in their pants when Batman came on set! They want to hit it just as bad as the fuglies!
The new Batmobile thing is pretty kick mofo'ing ass! Finally, a secret must be a dominatrix as you side job!
I like it! I think its hotter than the usually gay bat stance pics!
People are stupid...I don't get it! Bale is not all bad...he is different, I think its the voice that turns me off! Kind of over dramatic pauses and such.
No, sadly you agreed to do dirty things wiht someone else...but for the record...I would be game! Tom Selleck is hot!
Never see a helicopter before???
I don't like George...especially as Batman! Bale does a darker Batman which I like!
Hmm, you reckon? I wish...I'm firmly in the "subs have more fun" camp - every attempt at dom behaviour has my in fits of giggles...I'm useless....But men in rubber...yep, definately works...
re: Batmobile, like Gary Oldman said, "I gotta get me one of those".
The Inside of Me:
If you lay out your meat...the hotginas will come running!
People were standing there ALL DAY LONG...they were making calls to family and friends telling them to come now...crazy shit! I was like cool...Batman...and went back to reading my book!
Mike M:
They can't keep their love a secret anymore...the filming I watched yesterday was actually gay porn with Beatitman and Floggin!
Cherry Ride:
Fuckers...I hate people! YOu don't like B and R doing a bit of kiss face???
Ha ha ha!
Getting the giggles is so not cool if your a dom!
I remember riding around in a Batman car as a kid it was amazing! (Though actually it was white... a Cadillac White Swan with 3 rows of seats inside and massive fins on the back... spectactular car !)
Have a great weekend.. I'm here procrastinating bc I'm STILL posting stuff about my past it is so tiring you would not believe... I'm determined to get today's done by 8pm London time ...
OK take it e.z.
all the best
Hmmm, now I'm wondering if I got the real jenny or the fake jenny commenting yesterday.
The new batman movies are soo much better. It's cool you get to see them make some of it.
Sorry you have a rogue commenter.
I am just afraid I may get too many to handle if I do that.
Oh Ewwww, I completely missed the batman & robin kissing pic!! Eww. That's gonna leave a scar behind.
I saw a Japanese porn movie y'day. That was twisted shit too.
BTW, did you really see the Batmobile??
ok so here is the deal lol.. my celebrity encounter is this Tom Wopat from the ORIGINAL dukes of Hazzard. and... he kissed me. He was cute for his time...
But now I replace his face with Ryan Reynolds... is this wrong?
You gotta figure out a way to be an extra on the set as a normal Gothamite being saved by Batman.
Maybe I'm old school on that photo, but I always picture cartoon Robin having the voice of Casey Kasem.
Holy tongue job, Batman!
Run a post accusing Batman of gay sex with robin and selling Smack to the kids of Gotham, whilst pointing out he only fought the joker because the joker was black, and Batman supported the KKK.
That might get you X rated.
Batman and Robin - they are real aren't they?
I would rather be the guy that tries to pretend to be the john on Santa Monica Boulevard in the West Hollywood Sheriff's Department than be a member of the "GPD."
I think that would really be less gay.
Let me amend that: It would be exponentially less gay.
I lived in West Hollywood for years, and I never heard them say, "We can't solve this crime. We need to call in an anonymous, seriously disturbed vigilante who dresses up like a rodent.
We will give him total and absolute power, including the power to use lethal force and imprison people. Hopefully, it will be the same guy in the rodent suit every time.
That is the only solution to this crime. Let me rephrase that: Since we are stereotyped 'dumb Irish cops,' that is the only solution to the crime that we can think of..."
That sounds exactly likethe Batmobile!
I think you got fake Jenny....sorry!
Welcome back! Missed you lots! I jsut hope they dont cut all that out of the movie...I would like ot be able to point at my office building during the movie!
The Inside Of ME:
You can fight them off with a stick!
Was it bukoki??? Spelling may be off...the jizz flicks???
FUck no, Ryan Reynolds is totally right! Thats a good story ot tell the grandchildren!
I don't do fake screaming well!
Brian In Oxford:
Put your dick back in your pants Robin...the bat light is on!
Every visit helps b/c your comments crack me up...I don't care about he rating anymore as long as you keep up shit like that!
Ratty's Ghost:
YEs, they are real!
Totally not gay!
Jenny are you sure the helicopter weren't the police force flying about your building to arrest you? huh? huh?
Hey, did you get a ride in the batmobile? I'm sure nobody would have noticed. Wonder if you can go throught he drive through with that?
They could film a documentary and I'd be all gaga.
And there was me thinking my ideas were constructive...
Jesus if THIS gets a G rating...
Then what do you have to do?
Hitler pics, porn, still G.
I think maybe the computer just allocates randomly, but I'll give it one more shot...
Al Gore the Mother Fucker shags Monkeys as part of his worldwide bestiality club, THE ANAL ANIMALS. Tont Blair is also a member. Oh, they are also KKK members and call people niggers. And cunts.
You X rated yet?
Why you got ot out me like that! I told you in confidence that it was an accident!
Variant E:
NO, I think it's a stick shift so I wouldn't be able to start the fucker!!!
You star crazed nut you!
Oh, I think so...I feel so dirty when you come around!
You feel dirty when angelic little Catholic boy me comes round?
Can't think why, I'm so pure minded..
Anyway it's all in the name of art...
That's it, picture of cows sawn in half in formadehyde!!
Like Damien Hirst!
That'll do it!
After all the hard work you have been doing...i am still NC17...bummer! Catholic boys are the dirtiest!
Cloaks? yes yes yes! ;-)
Mystery is your thing then!
FUCKIN mystery it is :)
Cool! Loved the last Batman- Bale is quality
Bale brings a darkness to Batman that I really enjoy!
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