I could care less if you have a dick and like to smoke the pole, have a twat and like to muff dive, or you switch it up from time to time! Shit, I am even down with you if you dig animals...as long as they don't get hurt in the process! Pillow bitters everywhere...I love you!
The pictures below are from the Chicago Gay Pride Parade... It is necessary for any gay function to include bubbles...lots and lots of bubbles! I am shocked that they are wearing clothes and not head to toe paint on glitter!
It is also necessary for men to cover their teeny-weenies with fake feathers, while giggly rug munching girls look on fearfully at the meaty one-eyed monster! I am scared of the big bald black man to the left of feather dude...he could fuck someones ass up!
The other must have for any gay function is disco balls...not just one...but multiple disco balls and more bubbles! The fun behind this float is that you cannot tell for sure if the human in the picture is a girl, a guy or an in transition! My guess is male dressed as female!
This dude got his weekends mixed up...he thought the "Abducted and Probe Me" parade was this week! Dumb fucker!
Monday, June 25, 2007
Gay Pride Parade Brings Out The Queers!
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I simply must get some feather panties.
I can't believe you cut off the ACLU's sign. Censorship! You're so getting sued.
You can borrow mine! I promise I wash them!
In return for lawsuit...could I just bend over and let the ACLU have at me???
This is quite big in Brum.
It has become almost a community event, which shows how mainstream Gay Pride has become.
You're always going to get a few nutjobs whinging, but hell, they can have their days too...
Crushed by Ingsoc:
The nutjobs have plenty of days!
I think I would rather wear the skirt than that feather outfit because I love the feel of fishnet stockings. I mean I think I would like the feal of them. I think that is a man in the skirt and I am discusted. I have better legs than that.
I also thought the same thing about the black man in the picture but then reconsidered and now feel he has a teeny tiny peenie and that is why he is gay.
But then no one throws a good party like gay people.
I somehow once ended up in a gay bar and someone asked to push in my stool. I said it's a chair dummy, not a stool.
i'm a lesbian at heart. that black guy has a voice like mike tyson. feather's chafe wee-wee's. all the women in these pics are actually men. female hormone pills taste like pez.
Huh. I can't understand why the gay community is only gay for one day of the year. What do they do for sex the rest of the year??
I don't think he is confused..just a gay trekkie...lost in space.
I keep meaning to pop ocer to see you ! sorry it took so dang long!
that gay space guy is "going to go... where no man... has gone before..."
straight guy anyway... :-P
*just showed off way too much of my nerdiness...even for the internet. Hurry! Cover me up!*
Next time you come around commenting, take the fishnets off and pull down the skirt! You will find its much easier to touch yourself that way!!!
This is true.
And most of the whinging Nazis just won't admit that Gay Pride IS their day.
That guy is in for a lot of chaffing then! I love pez!
They fuck in secret the rest of the year...only once a year do we allow them to have mass orgies in the street!
Thanks for coming over! I am sure he will get beamed up sooner or later!
I like nerds...they make me feel less nerdy!
He he he!
The bubbles are an homage to what--can't be Lawrence Welk??
Oh, I get it--they are "things that you blow."
My bad; carry on...
Get with it...it is all about blowing...bubbles!
...I am scared of the big bald black man to the left of feather dude...he could fuck someones ass up!
Jenny! are you trying to sound Anal-Retentive?
Jenny: You are incorrect with the last photo - no confusion there: he was absolutely in the right parade for "Abducted and Probe Me"
I am anal...retentive that is...no need for me to try!
Cherry Ride:
Tru dat! LMAO!
I think he thought it was "paint your skin with non-breathing toxic paint" parade.
Is that similar to auto-erotic exficiation? Geez, I suck at spelling.
Check out the guy in the sunglasses to the right of the feathery fag. It's Tom Cruise!!!
What if I have a real love for myself? Because I do love me some me! There's nothing wrong with that, is there?
Whoo hoo!! Disco balls AND bubbles AND men wearing FEATHERS!!!
I can't WAIT!!! :)
I think my town would implode if we had a gay rights parade...
Mighty Dykerson:
Tom is totally checking out his butt feathers!
If you are able to smoke your own pole...more power too you! Nothing wrong with self loving!
I do love me some bubbles...not so much men in feathers!
I think that big black guy goes by the name "Black Lavender."
I could be wrong, but it's just a guess.
Honey, you missed the pics of the protesters from the "family value" groups! They are a must for Gay pride parades too!!
I saw plenty of them in Columbus in bright green t-shirts saying "Repent now, or perish!" Duh.
i love that you always express things so ... openly .. no holds barred.. YOu are one kick ass chick!
I want some feather undies like that :)
haha - I'm gonna use Abduct and probe me! next time I meet a hot guy in a bar!
(or is that coming on too strong...? - that I even need to ask, huh?)
Despite liking to switch it up, I just have never really got into feathers and bubbles myself. Maybe I should join the queue for the feather panties, but I'm not sure I could rock that look so well.
Lets see this post had beastiality, trannies, anal probing aliens and a gay bird in full flight. What a great post. But you killed it when you told me the 'thing' in the fish nets was a dude. There goes my moring wood!
Oh jenny I do take them off. How did you know what I was doing?
Beefcake Almighty:
I think you may have him confused with Black Velvet!
How fun! I love wackos wiht green t-shirts!
I think your pretty kick ass too!
We should kick ass together sometime!!!
Whatever lights your candle!
You can borrow mine after Mist1 is done with them...we could call it the feather panty train!
Heart of Darkness:
I think that's a great line...no man could resist! Coming on strong is a guarantee way of gettin some!
Fever Dog:
I am going to start a sign up sheet for my feather panties...so far you are the fourth on the list...you may need to to clean the bird before you wear them!
Sorry, Didn't mean to kill your wood! So, you don't dig dudes in fishnets but the beastiality is cool???
I can't reveal how I know...it wouldn't be any fun if you knew!
Exactly...whatever floats your boat!
Put me on the list jenny. I want some of those feather panties. Maybe that can cure my allergies.
What's the difference between kinky and perverted?
Kinky is wearing feather panties, while perverted is wearing the whole chicken.
You want the used feather panties after we are all done with them???
Wearing the chicken on your dick is called gross...I eat chicken!
Jenny just after YOU wear them please, not after everyone else has had them on. What do you take me for, a pervert?
Why did the pervert cross the road?
Because he was stuck in the chicken.
Do you want pictures too??? That is gonna cost you! What's with you guys and the chicken???
You are on!
I take it you WON'T be donating to the Gay Pride Fund!
I'm a lesbian. I like women
Let me know when and where!
Mike M:
Damn lezbo! I won't be donating to any fund...gay or not! He he he!
That's mighty generous of you. I'm afraid I'll have to decline, where I live, borrowing feather panties is a rite of marriage. People will say we're in love.
While I'll give Chicago her due, I've never seen such a spectacle than when I lived in New York and the parade happened! LOL Damn, I wish I could find those pictures!
I wish I had a gay man's body. Not to do stuff to, but you know, as my own. As me. Just not so gay.
We don't want that now...they would think we attended that parade!
Sassy Blondie:
YOu must look harder for those pictures! Thanks for you comment!
Blog Portland:
I understand!
How did I end up here? Very interesting discussion.
The Inside Of Me:
Welcome! Don't mean to scare you off so quickly!
"Wearing the chicken on your dick is called gross..,"
Poultry on my penis? Would that make Salmonella a communicable disease?
"...I eat chicken!"
But do you eat fish? ;P
I do like me some fish! Ha ha ha! But love meat!
So you'll eat fish, chicken and meat, but would you eat them all in one setting? If you consume all three in one setting the French call it a Menage a Trois. ;D
too funny, loved the last photo and your comment on it
I've got a big mouth...but I don't even think I could handle all three at once!
It looks like the Cher concert I went to! :)
I have heard some stories about Cher and her concerts!
Wow. The fifth blog I've seen in 10 minutes with this rating thing.
I got "R" for mentioning "suicide" five times -- because of my charity walk for suiciden prevention!!
I couldn't resist...I have seen it all over the place and I am a sucker to fit in!
haha cool!
I think so!
Great work.
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the first I visit your blog! have a nice day!
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