Friday, June 08, 2007

I Want My Mommy!

Good article from The Swamp! I am done with Paris, I just can't spend any more time on her. I need to move on and get over it!


Anonymous said...

I wish I could've been there pointing and laughing

Jenny! said...

I would have rather spit and shit!

*~*Cece*~* said...

I live in L.A. and I'm glad her bony butt is back in jail! I'm going to drink to her jailed honor tonight! hehehe

minijonb said...

i was over it when Jimmy Fallon made the Paris Hilton rear entrance joke on SNL.

welcome to the other side.

Yoda said...

What a way to kick off the weekend! Awesome news like that. I would give her 1 day extra jail just for crying out 'mommy'. What a wuss!! What the FUCK does she think of herself? She can drive on a suspended license and not have to bear the consequences?

I wonder, if everyone hates Paris so much, how come she's in the news? Oh, 'coz she's a socialite! aaaaahhhh, now I get it.

Something tells me that we are not done with this drama. I think all of this is pre-meditated, and Paris is gonna come out of this, write a book and come talk about it on Larry King Live. She'll probably make millions out of this.

mollymcmo said...

i like this picture, gives me a good feeling inside.
makes me happy :)


Steph said...

Do you not realise your justice system has yet again become the laughing stock of the WORLD??

First OJ, now Paris!!

For shame!!

David said...

I think we should do a write in of the judges name for President next year! The judge who jailed Paris. No one knows his name, but everyone loves him!

Deech said...

Where's Nicole? I feel another reality show idea coming on!


snowelf said...

Pitty-Pat sent me an article about this from MSNBC (i think) and the judge was freakin' PISSED about the sheriff letting her out of jail. It was awesome to read! That was why the judge made her stay the "extra" time.


Come Back Brighter said...

I think the important question is quite rightly "should you care". Sky News had the story as "breaking news" all last night as far as I can tell. I don't care what she does, and am slightly irked that it's all just publicity for her.

Paul Champagne said...

God ... Why can't this all go away ... I am so tired of her inconsequntial self.

The Dirty Rat said...


BEAST said...

Aww bless.....
If the rich cant act like arses and give all the plebs a good laugh , then there is no piont to them.
Paris is just showing exemplary good manners by being a complete twat....well done that woman.
Personally I am loking forward to the Paris Hot Lesbo Jail Sex Romp Shock Horror headlines

Anonymous said...

I have written to offer her a sofa when she comes out! I have no ulterior motive for this... Oh No...

James Burnett said...

I feel ya. Damn shame to spend so much time and blog space on her. But it's hard not too. She's made herself an easy target. I figured I'd compromise and just not mention her name if I could help it.

Kelly said...

I Know what you mean

Mike Minzes said...

I'm done with her too!!! She makes me soooooooooo sick.

Lets move on to something who's next!!

Who else do we want to see go to the slammer?


Phil said...

I don't even know what she's done wrong, that's how interested I am in the whole story ;]

captain corky said...

I'd rather spit on the poor little rich bitch too. LOL!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Me too! Not only am I done with Paris Hilton but I'm done with Paris France too. I didn't even care for the Paris, Texas movie. Plaster-paris; that's not fun either as it usually means a cast. I don't know that there is a Paris I do like.

Angry Empanada said...

Let her ass rot in jail! ;p didja miss me?

Crashdummie said...

The only Paris I’m interested is the one in France – I so wanna travel! ;)

Jenny! said...

I hope you had a lot of drinks's a great honor!

Jenny! said...

I much like it over on the "ignore" Paris and her shit side!

Jenny! said...

She totally will, and it just sucks!

Jenny! said...

It made me happy too!

Jenny! said...

Pathetic isn't it! OJ is so guilty!!!

Jenny! said...

That's a great idea! I am in love with this judge!

Jenny! said...

You should pitch that idea to networks, you could make millions!

Jenny! said...

The articles I have read have been pretty entertaining as well! I would be pissed if I was that judge!

Jenny! said...

If this is breaking news, then we are all in for a sad pathetic future!

Jenny! said...

That is why I have been proposing killing her, then we wouldn't have to hear about her all the time...well, expect for all the True Hollywood Stories on her trajic death!

Jenny! said...


Jenny! said...

I can't wait for those headlines too, but I would prefer the death notice!

Jenny! said...

If I were you, I would stay far far away from could catch some untreatable strain of crabs!

Jenny! said...

I know, I am kind of tired of furthering her publicity, but I seriously can't help a bad traffic accident, you just have to watch! I think I am done wiht Paris for a while, well at least until the next big story comes out!

Jenny! said...

I know, we have been back and forth commenting alot about Paris!

Jenny! said...

Mike M:
Hmmmmmmmm, let me think, who would I like to see go to prison...oh, I know...Jesse Jackson!

Jenny! said...

What is wrong with you??? How can you not even know??? Basically, Paris has committeed multiple crimes against humanitys reputation!

Jenny! said...

We can wait for her at the prison when she's released!

Jenny! said...

Variant E:
I am also planning on boycotting Hilton Hotels as well as everything named Paris!

Jenny! said...

I totally missed you!

Jenny! said...

I would love to travel to Paris, but only if they renamed it like Penis, France!

Zen Wizard said...

How come Nicolette Sheridan, Steve Marriott, and Nikki Sixx never get in trouble?

They all have hotels in their names...

Well, Motel, in Sixx's case, but still...

Jenny! said...

Good question!

jungle jane said...

Oh god, is she still famous?

Jenny! said...
