Blonde jokes crack me up! I feel that I am a blonde at heart...Don would agree!

*A blonde pushes her BMW into a gas station. She tells the mechanic it died. After he works on it for a few minutes, it is idling smoothly. She says, "What's the story?" He replies, "Just crap in the carburetor" She asks, "How often do I have to do that?"
I got a new position with "The Firm" as a Conflicts Analyst and I am really excited about it! I get to hang up my secretary gig...and move on to bigger and better things! My new department is going to be a total change for me...I am going from a female dominated position to a male dominated position. I will be the only female on the Conflicts team and I think it will work out well. I do not get involved with all of the female work gossip and drama, I stay away from the circles of whores that sling shit at everyone. I don't like it...It's embarrasing being a woman because of the gossip, out of control emotions, and overall bitter bitchieness makes me crazy! It will be nice to work with men for a change! I also got the sweetest pimp ass desk ever! I have a window and a great's the sweet spot!
Who wants to celebrate with me??? You buy me enough Jager shots I may even take my top off!!!

"I stay away from the circles of whores that sling shit at everyone"
That's my girl! What can I buy you?
Congrats by the way!!!
You may stay away from "circles or whores that sling shit at everything" at work, but I thought that is what all of our friendships are based upon!
Congrats again on the new job. When I think about how to resolve conflict, you are the first person I think of!
Congratulations--to celebrate, they have invented these internal combustion engine thingies on a four-wheel chasis.
They call it a car.
It beats public transportation, which you are always b!tching about, so maybe you should get one.
Congrats on the new gig, although I have to admit surprise to the fact you are actually employed, given your mongo blogging presence. With that said, please take note that I'm a huge fan of both Jager and loose women.
I'd always prefer a female dominated position. In fact, I have the pleasure of currently sharing an office with five fair damsels who cater to (nearly) all of my needs.
I think "The Firm" has made a smart corporate decision....
BOMBS!! WOOO!! I love blonde jokes, its like I live in one everyday!! haha
Congratulations , sounds well cool.
I have to agree with you , I have worked in a few female dominated departments over the years , and in general they are vile to each other , and the atmosphere was always dreadfull . They used to bleat on about how sexist everything was but used to stab each other in the back , and arse lick in the most revoltingly sexist manner when ever a higher ranking male came along..... if I started with a lot of sympathy for the femenist cause , I am afraid working with all girls kinda strangled it.
However by way of a bit of balance , working in a well mixed department , I have some shit hot female colleagues , and my boss is fantastic , really knows her onions .
I guess balance is the key.
Swee--ee--ee--eet! Congrats on the new gig!
Also there are more guys to have sex with...and come on, I write way better than those two.
Congrats! Things are just landing in your lap lately, aren't they. And from the looks of it, my hubby is thinking of making you our third.
enough Jager, and you'll never cough again! It's that powerful :)
I wonder if it's related to Moxie....(some weird-ass brown soda that also tastes, um....unique.)
Nothing says promotion like a drunken night out where you eventually end up topless!
I wish I was there!
Congrats on the new job!
Congrats your new job dominating males!
I volunteer to buy you the requisite number of drinks to free the girls!
it took me a while to figure out the conflicts analysis thing wasn't a blonde joke.
at first, i was saying to myself...what a long and not funny blonde joke.
Congratulations!!! That's awesome, a new job and everything!
Hold it with the Jaeger bombs, don't take your top off ... or at least wait till I come ;-)
I heard that BMW blonde joke for the first time!!
As your new role as a conflict analyst, are you going to run around the room shouting that this thing is going to fuckin' blow, take cover!!!
I got something "firm" for you to "analyze" right here, baby!!
So who gets your old job? Can I apply? I'd love for my ass to sit in the same chair that your ass once sat in.
Congrats! Yeah it is nice to get away from the drama. I guess it's the only social life some get.
I remember the jaeger days... have fun!
Jager is shit and its weak. Shots are for weaklings. True blue alcoholics like myself will put down a 5th of Jimmy Beam on a night due to boredom.
Congratulations Beauty ... well deserved. Domination ... get to bring a few whips, rope, blindfolds to work?
Congrats you awesome chick, you!!!
I have worked in the catty atmosphere and hated it so much I just walked right out. At my next job, it was all girls again, but they were all non-catty awesome chicks like us and it was great. So I guess it just depends on what you get...
You're going to kick so much ass and make the most out of your new office!!
I call dibs on "christening" the desk!!!
Um, I should clarify...I want to christen the desk WITH you. Not just jump on there and do my thing, that would be awkward, especially if you were like on a conference call at the time.
Congratulations, Jenny!! You'll do an awesome job!
I am a blonde from birth, and I think I've heard every blonde joke out there. I do, however, love those Sunsilk commercials where the blondes and brunettes are being catty about each other! Too funny!
Why did the blonde smile during the lightning storm?
She thought the paparazzi were taking photos of her!
I love office whores who get naked after a few shots of ice cold Jagger! Want to sit on my face and tell me about your day?
Congratulations on the new job - atta girl! When do you start? Hope you enjoy it, let us know how your first day goes...
Congrats! Working with men is always easier, and usually more fun.
Congrats!!! I am so proud of you!
Working with all men... not a bad gig at all! rooaarr
What's a jaguer shot?
But who will dominate, you or the males?
Will this affect your blogging?
Congrads on the new position!!
Come on over. The wife and I will get your top off together!
crushed- she will! She pees on things to mark her territory. I taught her!
Congratulations, it's well earned, and you should be buying us a round.
Congrats as well, go forth and conquer young lady.
Congrats. Your better off out of shit flinging range.
Beware the Jager shots though.
We have renamed it Yogamonster - that stuff makes you try moves well beyond the normal limits of flexibility!
Congratulations! I will totally buy you shots to get your top off!
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