I found this article today and at first I thought it was pretty sweet, but then when I thought about it a bit more...it really made me mad. Woman can be so hypocritical at times and not even realize it.
For the first time, women in their 20's are making more money than their male peers in Chicago and other big cities. These same women, also trying to date and find relationships, and their financial superiority doesn't always go over well with either sex in the dating scene. One woman said "I've come to the conclusion that if I have to pay for you, you ain't a man." As much as women strive for financial independence, convention often trumps feminism in the dating world, where the man still is expected to be the dominant, or at least equal, partner. Woman in their 20's are making about 7 percent more than their male counterparts in the Chicago area. After reading that fucking bitches quote...I wanted nothing more than to punch her teeth out. What an ignorant thing to say! That woman is embarrassing to vagina's everywhere!
"I want someone who wants to take trips to wine country," one woman said. She was complaining that her boyfriend at the time didn't make enough money to be able to afford that trip. Now this same woman would probably EXPECT that her boyfriend spend the money to take her if he was making more money. It's a double standard that woman hold that pisses me off. If you are in a relationship and you make more money, it doesn't necessarily mean that you need to completely support that person, but woman should treat their man the same way that they would expect to be treated by a man. If woman truly want to be equal to men, then it's woman who need to drop the gender stereotypes and long standing expectations and bullshit and actually think about the things that they say and how that is perceived.

While the income gap usually doesn't harm established relationships...dating can be strained as women who can afford a certain lifestyle date men who can't. "We all have these gender expectations that are really about how people see themselves as effective men and effective women," she said. "When you have a pool of eligible men who are not doing as well as women, the men may feel they're not meeting the expectations and women might feel that way as well."
Here's my feelings...it shouldn't matter who makes more money in a relationship. Men need to get over their ego's and woman need to get over the "you're not a man if you make less money" attitude. Woman complain and bitch and moan and whine about how they are not treated as equals to men and all that feminist bullshit, but woman are the ones who need to drop the gender stereotypes...not men. Some woman make more money than some men...good for them, but don't complain when a man doesn't make as much money as you. Woman have been in the situation of getting paid less for the same job, now the tables have turned slightly...so why can't woman stop fucking bitching! Woman bitch if they don't make as much as men, woman bitch if they make more than men...so what the fuck will make woman happy??? If you want to be treated equally...then you need to expect that there may come a time that woman need to be the bread winners and financially support a man the way that they would expect to be supported if it were reversed.
I am a working mom, my fiance stays at home with our son. It works well and I can't stand this shit. I don't think that Don is any less of a man because he doesn't make as much money as me, in fact, he is doing a much nobler job than I, buy raising our son and being a positive and stable father figure in our sons life. I applaud men who make less than their woman, especially those who are taking the "less popular" road by being stay at home dads.
Bravo Jenn ... this is one stereotype of many that should be made to disappear. I know a few women who make much more than their boyfriends/husbands and because the boys are stereotypical as well ... relationships don't last for them ... she can't make more than I do. If I make x and you make 1.5 x then together we make a lot more and can probably afford some things that we couldn't afford if you made less than I.
Some things never make sense to me and I do find a lot of people hypocritical about shit like this.
Nice to see another post from you. Should I hold my breath for the next one? Just teasing Jenn ... I know how busy you are.
Be well
Who cares who makes more money...
We all know the factor that decides who wears the pants in a relationship is who holds dominion over the remote control!
Jenni! I so thank you and love you for this post. I am a stay at home working dad of two! Granted, I have a pretty neat gig with my Job but for all intents and purposes I have to take care of it all. Why? Divorce...Its just the way the ball bounced in this case.
I thank you for the recognition. Sometimes I wonder if anyone really even notices this shit!
Kudos to you.....
Tell it, sister!
I love you for posting this. I've been equally appalled at women who seem intent on perpetuating the this viewpoint.
You make the other vaginas look good!
That's a really nice gash Jenny. Life is WORK at home or at the office or wherever your fields are. Obviously, as we look around us, raising a well balanced, creative, loving, smart human being is one hell of a difficult and underpaid job. Salut! Oh, i forgot law-abiding. Well, whatever.
Come visit me or I quit this blog because it's more work than raising a kid!
On a slightly related topic, I was reading about this somewhere and they were talking about how when it comes to dating, that men are intimidated by women who make more money than them. That they worry they won't be able to lifestyle these chicks want and that successful women price themselves out of dating. Whatever! If I want to be able to afford my rent and then some and that makes me undateable, then so be it. I know what kind of lifestyle I want and I'm not afraid to work for it.
I think as long as both parties are comfortable and happy with who they are and what they are doing in life, then who freakin' cares. I want a successful mate, but I'm not one to equate success to a dollar amount. He could volunteer and run a non profit for all I care. I would just like someone who is happy with the life they are making for themselves.
This is such a good post!!
Sometimes, I wonder why people feel the need to fixate on unimportant and trivial things. Work should be a passion, and the fact that you get paid for it is just gravy. And anyone who measures a man by the size of his bank account...well, that says it all, doesn't it?
Hooray for Don! Great post, Jenny!
Please tell my crazy lezbo feminist women studies teacher this!!! Maybe she'll quit her bitching then too!
I have to say that I really do want a man that makes more than me. I will also say, though, that I am uncomfortable going on dates and having the guy pay. I really don't want to feel obligated to anyone and having been single for so long, I am used to paying for myself. Lots of my friends take turns with their significant other and that seems like a good way to go.
Here's my feelings...it shouldn't matter who makes more money in a relationship. Men need to get over their ego's and woman need to get over the "you're not a man if you make less money" attitude. Woman complain and bitch and moan and whine about how they are not treated as equals to men and all that feminist bullshit, but woman are the ones who need to drop the gender stereotypes...not men.
Right on!
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