I think I have some kind of sick obsession with the shocker (click link if you don't know what that is)...here's my last post that I did just last month! Is there a 12 step program for this kind of addiction???
Today I came across this picture... That made me spit out my drink on my keyboard, which has since dried and is causing a few of my keys to stick! Damn...now the tech guys are going to think I am a perv when I ask them for a new keyboard minus the stickiness. Oh, how I love W's classy daughters Jenna and Barbara. Jenna is flashing the shocker loud and proud...while Barbara looks on wondering if her dad has done that to Laura lately!
Completely bewildered...
I am laughing out loud. I am so glad my work isn't busy right now, because I cannot stop laughing.
Um.., I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but it only looks as if she's spouting the "shocker," the pic is photoshop'd to appear that way, she's actually giving the UT longhorn symbol and someone poorly tried to show something else instead. One thing that gives it away is if you look close at her lifted hand, you can see an extra digit on her palm.
Jenny if you did this poorly chopped image, shame on you, you know your peeps won't take no mediocre shizzle!
Wow, she's slightly hot. How did W manage to have a daughter like that?
Crushed by Ingsoc:
Really PVC man!
Did you pee too?
You are such a buzz kill!
George is a hottie!
I think they are sexy ladies... whats wrong?
And they think your a one sexy canine!
I have my own version of the shocker, except I use both hands. It's called the Poonani Punch.
You know...she probably saw it done to her dad or something since he's such a dickless, single parent hating, fuck up.
Did I just say that out loud?
She might have been trying to flash the hook'em horns, since she went to UT.
I don't remember seeing Chelsea ever do that...do you??
i think it just shows how much of a mockery dubya's daughters think of this whole presidency thing. i'd definitely shock her though
You're gonna have to teach me something I don't know... What's a shocker?
What does it mean?
I hope the Bush broads pose for Hustler after Daddy goes back to Crawford Ranch permanently.
OK, what does it mean? Lay on some of that crazy hippie bebop lingo!
It is not the Shocker, or the Church of Satan--Dubya et filias are fans of the University of Texas Wronghorns.
Yes, they are Austin City Dimwits.
This is a slightly less egregious offense than being a member of the Church of Satan. God might forgive you for going to the University of Texas if you can prove to St. Peter that you could not afford out of state tuition.
I thought she was showing how many fingers he can fit in her vagina? ??? Was I wrong?
I must be dumb, I don't get it!???!!
Damn!!! You got to be kidding right? I just followed the link you gave for the description of a shocker. (Gonna have to take note).
Anyway, -Papa is right; it would have been funny though if she actually did it! lol
OMG, I love that picture!
The Bush Shocker!!
Also, if you look really closely, you can see that George has a second head sticking out of his shoulder.
Except the problem with everyone and their "UT theory" is that she isn't really holding up the right sign. I mean, she might be trying to do it, but she still has an extra finger up that shouldn't be there.
Then again, that's probably the drunk UT hook 'em.
OMG i almost fell down from my sofa. Only you Jenny could find such a pic and associate it with that.
Ur just so wickedly cool, and you know it! Cheers dudette ;)
I'm still puzzled by what the sign means.
Do you do PVC?
Where does the thumb go???
ROFL Jenny!!!!!
I feel sick. President Bush's grinning face has now ruined the sweet sensuality of the Shocker for me.
(He also ruined coffee enemas, but that is another, more graphic photo.)
You are such a buzz kill!
My drivers license reads first name, "Kill," last name "Joy."
You learn something new everyday - and I bet today, the Bush girls learned something brand new... LOL
There's a Kundula finger braide that aids in heart attacks (yes, it helps) that's kinda similar - you fold down the index and middle finger, cross over with thumb and ring finger, letting the tips touch, and put out your pinky.
Maybe she was having a heart attack, and got confused? She is blonde...
on and ryc: don't have an iPod either, so there's two of us. My old mp3 from Creative works just fine...
Heh heh....Think bubble, "hey daddy, guess what I can do...?".
Well spotted lady - filthy as ever ;-)
hey jenny ! Hope you are having one amazing Monday! *hugs*
Blog Portland:
I hope you have big hands!
I like it when your angry! Feels good doesn't it!
She was in fact flasing the horns, but that is just not as funny as the shocker!
Michael C:
Chelsea never did the shocker, but she did smoke a lot of pole!
I bet you would!
Le Cremiere:
I added the link so you can check it out!
I am shocked that you don't know the shoker!
I am sure the pictures are already taken, just waiting to be released! I think they weren't for Hustler but for Hot Cum Shots!
Follow the linkage love!
Hate much??? I know what they are doing...but its just not as funny!
The Inside of Me:
Gross, gross, gross! Her dad can put in??? Sick, Sick, sick!
I think the problem is that your too smart!
Le Cremiere:
I know, I was a bit disappointed that it was an edited pic...but I still got a kick out of it!
Mike M:
I bet those girls could teach me a few things!
His second head is teh one that does the thinking, he just does the talking!
I still love it, even though its edited to be the shocker!
Dudette...I haven't heard that in ages...let's bring it back! Hope you didn't hurt yourself!
Crushed by Ingsoc:
I am still perplexed as to how one "does PVC"...enlighten me! The shocker is putting two in the pink one in the stink...aka Vagina/ass!
The thumb holds down your ring finger...or it could be for clitoral stimulation if you are talented enough!!!
I love this pic...even though its not real!
You know how sensual that shocker is boy! I would love to hear and see your pick!
Theres always got ot be one!
Heart of Darkness:
The other daughter is brunette and just as dumb as the blonde...do you think they share abrain???
Gross! Filthy rocks!
It's Monday, so there are limits to its amazement! I hope you have a great day too!
I just don't want to think about Bushy doing anything sexual! But you...others...a whole different story!
YOu don't think Bush is a sexy beast???
Don't be haytin' the "won". :D
I aint playa hatin!
True dat, play on Playa.
Every time Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey" comes on the radio, or over the loudspeakers at Kmart, my wife makes the shocker sign to get me to bust out laughing.
(poor monkey)
I'd hit it
I tried the SHOCKER on myself over the weekend and now I'm blind in both eyes and have snot on my pinky. Did I do it wrong?
You either do or you don't.
There's no in between...
It's your game, or it's not. Bit like poker.
Thank for enlightening me vis a vis the shocker.
Oh, and thanks, Jenny...
There's a big six-foot red-white-and-blue inflatable hand with the V for Victory pose, an Independence Day decoration at an auto shop.
I was tempted to go across the street and try to stand up the pinky finger in the shocker pose.
well well..you learn something new every day! i reckon there's names for EVERYTHING out there...i shall go and make up a few of my own. Where do you get this stuff?! lol!
Will do!
Brian In Oxford:
Your wife is bad ass! That's hilarious1
Dan Mega:
Both at the same time? Or just Jenna? Could George watch?
Crunchy BC:
You did it perfectly! Now, go try that on someone else!
Crushed by Ingsoc:
Well, clearly I don't do PVC...since I have no clue how you would do PVC. Are you talking about PVC pipes???
Brian In Oxford:
That would have been fantastic. Since I do the shocker so often, when people wave at me it's like second nature to flash them teh shocker.
I can't believe some of the names too, I am a bit out of date myself and rarely know the latest.
That universal call sign is so appropriate for the current administration.
That girl would need fists, not fingers.
I have some high skool pics of me and one of my teachers, I was giving the shocker. Except back then we called it 'two in the pink and one in the stink'
That could be the Bush slogan!
Fever Dog:
So gross...but true!
I like to call it two in the taco one in the guaco! That is my favorite!
two in the beaver, one for the fever.
two for the box, one for the shox!
HILARIOUS BRAND NEW "s h o c k e r" T-SHIRTS available here...soooooooooooooooo FREAKIN funny!
MUST HAVE shocker tee shirt DESIGNS HERE:
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