You Are a Fruitcake! |
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
What Crappy Gift Are You?
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
What Christmas Carol Are You?
You Are "Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow" |
![]() Forget a new iPod or laptop...What you want Christmas morning is a winter wonderland. |
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
When You Know Your Getting Old
I am getting to be such and old lady! My parents gave me my Christmas present early this year...4 brand new tires for my car! That was the most exciting gift I have gotten in a long time. I feel so old saying that, but seriously...they are exciting. I was in desperate need of some new was almost like getting a new car.
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and engorges themselves to the point of explosion...that's what I will be doing! We are only going to be making two stops this Thanksgiving, as opposed to our usually three or four stops (I am excited about that)! I will be making my famous mashed potatoes, enough to serve 20 people (both stops requested my taters)! I will be making traditional mashed and will spice it up a bit with a kick ass cheddar garlic mashed. On every Thanksgiving I feel like I am on bad behavior with the army because I peel potatoes for hours on Thanksgiving morning. Donovan will, of course, be the spotlight and everyone will forget that Don and I are there too. I am looking forward to two days off of work, but not looking forward to returning on Saturday to a gazillion tests with no one to help...I think I am feeling a sore throat come on...maybe I won't have to be there after all! Just kidding Jeanette!
Remember...don't eat turkey and drive!!! Everyone have a safe and happy Turkey Day!
Gobble Gobble Gobble
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Monday, November 21, 2005
I Think I Will Read Another
The 1st Nerd Herd's meeting was a success. I had a lot more fun than expected...I was not sure if people were going to be all hard core about the book. A few of our members, I won't mention any names, did not finish the book. This will be their grace period...if it happens again, we may have to revoke their membership (Ha Ha Ha). The book was not an overwhelming success, since more than half of the members didn't like it or didn't finish it. Ashley cooked a fabulous dinner, thanks Costco! I am actually surprised that we spent so much time discussing the book. Poor Haley...she moved Ashley's fridge! I had a really good time, as always at Ashley's, and can't wait till our next meeting in January.
By the way...Jeanette and I have a cooler cover!!!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Monday, November 14, 2005
The Wicked Witch Of The Book Club
Anyone wanna guess who hurt my feelings???'s Jeanette. This morning a bomb was dropped that curiously came to my attention less than a week before the book club meeting. Jeanette has tickets to see Wicked on the same Sunday that we are planning to discuss Life of Pi. Just because she doesn't like the book, doesn't mean she should abandon the club! She makes me so mad sometimes!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Five Generations
On Sunday Don, Donovan and I went to visit Donovan's Great Great Grandma D! Donovan and Grandma D share the same birthday so that is kind of weird. Also, if you write down their birthdate abbreviation for March and the number 10 this - looks like the name Mario, which was Great Great Grandpa D's name! Grandma D is a fiesty ass lady of 93. She talks a gazillion words a minute and is quite the meanie! It is fun to hear all of her stories from WWII and from back in the day. She has lots of stories and likes to tell them all the time and over and over again. It is really neat to have five generations alive at the same time!
Blogged By:
1 Bad Ass Blurbs
Friday, November 11, 2005
Swim Class Cutie
I am the cutest baby in class! Today there were only 3 babies in class so we had lots of room to swim and be silly. Daddy was very brave and brought the very expensive camera into the water...good thing I didn't splash him!!!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
McPology - McAss
Hello Jenny:
Thank you for contacting McDonald's and for your interest in the Monopoly Best Chance 3.0 Game at McDonald's.I sincerely apologize for any disappointment you felt when you were unable to obtain a game piece at McDonald's. Because this game was overwhelmingly popular, some McDonald's restaurants may have depleted their supply of game pieces sooner than expected. For this reason, our advertising states that game pieces are available "while supplies last."We did offer an Alternate Means of Entry, however, the date for that option has passed.For complete information about the Monopoly Best Chance 3.0 Game, please see the Official Rules at McDonald's restaurants or visit our website at be assured we would never want any of our games to disappoint our customers. Because you're a valued customer, your comments are very important to us, and have been shared with our Marketing staff for their on-going review.Again, thank you for your interest in McDonald's and for taking the time to write. We look forward to serving you for many years to come.
McDonald's Customer Response Center
*** You call this an apology for shitty customer service. Jennifer from the Customer Response Center didn't even address the crappy chicken sandwiches or the broken down ice cream machine...what the fuck is that about! It sounds as if she is blaming us for wanting to participate in their game! McFuck-Sticks!!!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Questionable Parenting
Testing at Sylvan can be such an interesting experience. I am baffled by the low level students that come in our doors everyday. I just don't understand how parents can wait until 8th grade to get their child help, when they can't even read sight words?!? Is it denial? Is it stupidity? Is it neglect? Is it ignorance?
Now that I am a parent, I can understand the denial aspect to a certain degree. Of course I think that Donovan is the cutest baby in the world, and I know that other people think so too...unless they are just blowing smoke up my ass, but I do know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and that other people may not think that Donovan is that cute. But, I do not think that I am that clueless to let Donovan go on struggling in school and not do anything about it. It is one of my personal goals to always be in touch with how Donovan is doing academically and developmentally. I think that I am almost neurotically obsessed with his development now, so I hope that in the future I stay on top of those sorts of things. Can everyone please be honest with me and if you think that I am in denial about something, mention it to me. I already know that Jeanette is going to be Donovan's Math tutor and mentor, since I know shit about Math.
It is really sad to me to see these students all the time that are scoring so low.
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Friday, November 04, 2005
The Noble Duke Of York...
Second day of swim class...lots more fun this time, daddy came with. Donovan really enjoyed both of us being there and having fun in the water. He is already making improvements. Today he was kicking his feet and paddling his hands to chase after his toy. When we did Humpty Dumpty, Donovan jumped into my arms (with a little prompting). We were more familiar with the locker room and how to manage both of us getting dressed and all that. We sang some fun songs, like: The Noble Duke Of York, The Hokey Pokey, The Wheels On The Bus and some others that I can't remember. I know everyone reading this is so excited to hear about our swim class, but get use to'll be hearing about it every Friday for eight weeks!
Blogged By:
Bad Ass Blurbs
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Donovan's 1st Halloween was a lot of fun...probably not as fun as it will be next year when he can actually walk and eat some of the candy he collects. Our first stop was Sylvan (as Chewbacca) so that Scooby Doo could take some pictures...Donovan got to see a human size dog and a cow girl there. After getting Chewy hair all over the place, we went home and got into some normal clothes. Donovan, Don and I all went out to eat at Olive Garden...Donovan was a very well behaved little man. It is much easier to take him out places now. After dinner, we went home and changed into the elephant costume and Trick-or-Treated around the block. Didn't get much candy...but that's okay...mommy doesn't need to eat all that candy anyway. It was kind of a crappy day out so we didn't do too much tricking or treating.
Blogged By:
1 Bad Ass Blurbs